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A Fresh Take On Student Internships

Public Education Foundation is "Preparing Tomorrow's Workforce Today" through STEP-UP Chattanooga. We partner with various businesses and organizations across  Hamilton County to provide paid internships and job opportunities for working-age students.

Eligible students receive critical work-readiness training, resume writing, and interview skills. Interns are matched with best-fit employers based on the  students' career aspirations.


students trained


participating employers


earned by students

STEP-UP Chattanooga presents opportunities to give back to our community by mentoring young people and by narrowing our workforce and educational achievement gaps. Expand your talent pipeline by introducing dynamic, diverse youth to your industry.

We are actively seeking partnerships with local businesses and organizations that want to hire STEP-UP Chattanooga interns. Please contact Jeff Rector for more information.

Opportunities for Employers

STEP-UP Chattanooga helps bridge this critical gap between our talented young people and the needs of our region’s workforce.


STEP-UP Chattanooga will provide young people with internships at local companies, nonprofits and public agencies, providing critical work-readiness training, on-the-job experience, professional connections and ongoing support for career and college success.

Opportunities for Students

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